Rose Ward
Practice Nurse
Rose is one of our Practice Nurses and is available by appointment for any of the following:
- Mental Health
- Asthma
- Health Assessments on newly registered patients.
- Warfarin monitoring
- Minor injury
- Cervical Smears
- Asthma follow-up
- Diabetic follow up
- Dressing, stitch and staple removal
- Ear Syringing
- Heart attack/stroke prevention
- Travel/flu vaccination and other injections at the Doctors advice.
- Well person clinics/weight reduction advice
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Stroke/TIA
- Epilepsy
- C.O.P.D.
Both our Practice Nurses also assist the doctors in minor surgery and are always available to offer professional advice.
Gortin & Plumbridge
Monday - Friday