Acute Prescriptions
If you require medication for an acute problem, you should request it from the receptionist. The receptionist will take details of your request with your telephone number and pass it to the doctor. The doctor may need to see or speak to you at his/her earliest convenience, before prescribing. It is not possible to have prescriptions ready immediately.
Repeat Prescriptions
The right hand side of your prescription has the list of your current medication printed, please tear off and keep. When your current medication is due, tick the items you require and either leave in at surgery, or post. Alternatively, you may telephone the surgery.
If you are using the telephone to order repeat prescriptions, please ring after 9.30am, Monday to Friday.
Please tell the receptionist the name and strength of the medication you require to enable her to check your computer records prior to issue.
You can now also order your repeat prescriptions online. Please call at the surgery for information on how to get registered for this service.
The practice operates a 48hr ordering system.
It is therefore necessary to request your repeat medication 48 hours in advance exclusive of weekends except by special arrangements.
Patients should ensure that they allow adequate time to process the prescription when ordering.
There may be times when you may be asked to see your doctor before receiving further supplies of current medication so that he can review you and your medication.
If you need any NEW medication, or if any CHANGES are necessary to your repeat prescriptions, you will also need to see the doctor.
Patients are obliged to attend for a medication review as requested. This may be done during a routine appointment with the doctor, if appropriate.
Collection of Prescriptions
Prescriptions should be collected personally or by a person who is over 16 years of age and known to the practice as your representative, unless you have otherwise requested for us to leave them for your pharmacy.
Medication requiring special monitoring
Some medications require more intensive monitoring and you will receive an invitation to attend an appointment regularly with the Practice Nurse to ensure safe Prescribing.
Our Practice has provision to dispense to patients who live within the boundaries and are registered as dispensing patients (PLUMBRIDGE SITE ONLY).
Patients meeting the criteria for dispensing will need to complete a DP1 form for their name to be placed on the dispensing list.
For further information, please contact the medical centre.